Annabeth and I spent the month working through her "Apple Box" from My Pre-K Box. Here's a little peek at what was inside September's box, and don't forget, as a Rooted in Rest subscriber, you can get $5 off of your first box using code ROOTEDINREST5
You'll have to ignore the fact that she was wearing the same dress both days I pulled my camera out. If anything, it just shows that I should NOT be a social media "influencer", ha! Just a mom in Florida playing with her kids!
Inside each box are dynamic, hands-on math activities and learning tools, creative and fun pre-reading literacy games, thematic crafts, and my personal favorite, sensory activities!
This month I noticed her fine motor skills have really developed recently. She had plenty of opportunities with this box to get some practice in!
We LOVE the "Craft Lovers Upgrade" that was included in this box!